Action Name
Preview then create proposals. More info.
Flag to Invoice
Sets a flag to the items indicating they are ready to invoice. More info.
Flag to Order
Sets a flag to the items indicating they are ready to order. More info.
Create Invoice
Preview then create invoices. More info.
Generate Specs
Creates a specification of one or more items. More info.
Batch POs
Will create purchase orders for more than one item. More info.
Create Pick List
Will show a preview of a pick list and allow you to convert it into an actual pick list. More info.
Copy Item(s)
Allows you to copy one or more items to the active project or a different project.
Delete Spec or Delete Item
Delete one or more items.
Issue Specifications
Used to set the issue date for one or more items.
Reissue Specifications
Used to set the reissue date for one or more items.