Items > Item Detail View | Pricing Tab Pricing Tab |
Pricing Tab
The pricing tab is where you can enter various prices: 1.Proposal Pricing - these numbers appear on proposal. Note: The term "Proposal" is user configurable. Your firm might use the word "Budget" or "Estimate" rather than "Proposal" so it would show "Budget Pricing" or "Estimate Pricing". 2.Invoice Pricing - these numbers appear on proposals. They are usually the same as the proposal pricing numbers, but if you need to change them, for whatever reason, you can do so. 3.Purchase Orders - these numbers appear on proposals. Again the PO pricing is often the same as the Proposal pricing, but there are reasons why the PO amount might be different.
What pricing appears on proposals and invoicesWhile you will enter the pricing in the columns mentioned above, the pricing that appears on proposals and invoices can depend on whether components are included or sub-charges are included in the price of the item. For this reason, the amounts shown below will indicate what will appear on the proposals and invoices.