DocuSign | Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions |
Will my client need a DocuSign Account?No. They can approve your proposal without having a DocuSign account.
Will my client receive a copy of the signed proposal?Yes. After they complete the DocuSign approval process, they will be sent an email from DocuSign with a link to the signed proposal.
How will I know when my client signs the proposal in DocuSign?You will receive an email from DocuSign with the signed proposal. The proposal will also be stored in DesignSmart in the Proposal tab in the Project Detail View.
Can I cc other people when I send a proposal via DocuSign?Yes. They will receive an email from DocuSign with a link to the proposal when it is sent to the client. When the client signs the proposal, they will be sent another email from DocuSign with a link to the signed proposal. This can be very helpful for firms that only use one DocuSign account because it means that staff who need to be informed about the status of a proposal can be added to the cc list.
Is there any difference between the "draft" proposal I send them directly and the proposal that is sent to them via DocuSign?The only difference is that the notice box that informs them that the final proposal will be sent via DocuSign is removed and the signature line and date approved line will appear in the DocuSign version.
If my client doesn't sign the proposal, will DocuSign send a reminder? Yes. DocuSign will send a reminder every two days until the client signs or declines the proposal.
What happens if we stop using DocuSign?You will still have a copy of the signed proposal in PDF in your email system as well as in DesignSmart.
What if I need to resend the proposal via DocuSign?You can log in to your DocuSign account and resend the proposal from there.
What if my client changes their mind and decides not to sign the proposal in DocuSign?When the client is viewing the proposal in DocuSign, on the top right there is a button for "Other Actions". There they can select "Decline to Sign" and add a reason why they didn't sign. The reason they do not sign will be in the email from DocuSign as well as in the Details box on the proposal list.
Will the status of the proposal change in DesignSmart automatically when the proposal is signed?Yes.