Optional Modules > Inventory | Cycle Counts

Cycle Counts


 Automated and Manual from inventory list view


Or you can flag to manually or flag and they will be added to the next cycle count

Cycle counts don't result in adjustments. You have to more research before you make adjustments.





What is a Cycle Count?

Cycle counting is a method of checks and balances by which companies confirm physical inventory counts match their inventory records.This method involves performing a regular count and recording the adjustment of specific products. Over time, they have counted all their goods. You will have the option to conduct manual and automated Cycle counts depending on your level of DIS. Performing Cycle Counts in the system works by the simple action of flagging items which will let the system know which items should be used for the next Cycle Count scheduled.

On occasions, after completing a Cycle Count you may need to do some research before making adjustments in the system. This research should give you a better idea of what may have or could have happpened to missing items or an increase of items in any given location.


What Does an Inventory Cycle Count Mean?

Regardless of whether a company uses periodic or perpetual inventory practices to track their inventory, regular cycle counting is a necessary auditing process.


When should Cycle counting be performed?

Cycle counting is typically done on a monthly or quarterly basis, though some businesses may do small counts weekly or even daily. It often depends on the type of goods you sell and the work environment. But cycle counts are much more frequent than a full physical count, which may only happen once or twice a year.


When should Cycle counting be performed?

Cycle counting is typically done on a monthly or quarterly basis, though some businesses may do small counts weekly or even daily. It often depends on the type of goods you sell and the work environment. But cycle counts are much more frequent than a full physical count, which may only happen once or twice a year.


For more information about Cycle Counts according to our levels of Inventory click on the following:


Entry and Basic LevelsClick here for more information


Advanced                                   Click here for more information


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