Optional Modules | Inventory


Welcome to the DesignSmart Inventory System (DIS) User Guide

This guide is intended to help you learn to setup and operate the DesignSmart Inventory System (DIS).

Please note that our support staff will help walk you through each setup of the setup process. We encourage you to read over this information, but keep in mind we will be assisting you through the process.


Pick the Version That Fits Your Needs

This system is offered in an Entry, Basic and Advanced levels as show in the table below.

1.Entry level - provides bar code printing but no scanning capability

2.Basic level - interfaces with QuickBooks and works with desktop scanners

3.Advanced level - allows 3 levels of inventory location tracking and mobile devices



The DIS is a complete inventory system capable of managing large warehouses via the latest technologies.





Enter shipments as they arrive.

Print barcodes

Create barcodes for each item that arrives, or just one for a group of items.


Scan bin locations and the barcodes of the items being placed in the bins.

Pick Lists

Create printed Pick Lists of items that are being pulled from the storage areas for delivery, or download the list to a mobile device.

Inventory Counts

Take inventory on paper or use a mobile device to take a complete inventory.

Cycle Counts

Perform periodic cycle counts to monitor the accuracy of your inventory system.

Inventory History Reports

Print a report that shows the inventory for any date since the system has gone online.


Make adjustments as necessary after inventories, cycle counts, or as needed.


Allocate inventory to  projects based off of approved proposals or manual enteries





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