Expediting (Order Tracking) | Back Orders Back Orders |
When you enter the Estimated Ship Date using the Expediting pop over window, DesignSmart assumes that all items on the PO will ship at that time and updates all items on the PO with that Estimate Ship and Estimated Arrival dates.
When items are back ordered or have different ship dates, then you will need to adjust the ship dates manually for each item. For example, if all items for PO 18-1033-001 are shipping on 7/9/18 except the Foyer Chandelier, then the designer would do the following steps:
Step 1. Click on the PO number to view the PO screen.
Step 2. In the screen show below the designer will click on the Expediting button to the left of the Foyer Chandelier. That caused the Expediting Notes window to appear for that item.
This will update information on the PO layout (see below), the Item Detail Status Tab and the Items Status view.