Specifications > Generate Specs | Specification Formats

Specification Formats

DesignSmart has been developed to generate two different specification formats:


StandardThe Standard format is the format that has been included in DesignSmart since Version 1. Out of the box without customization, it will show all of the specification on the first page, or pages, then the distribution page(s), followed by the image page(s) and finally the attachment(s).
Most design firms will have this default format customized according to their unique specifications.
This format will be used when the Text and Graphics check boxes are checked in  Step 3 when generating specifications.







CondensedThe Condensed format is popular with firms that want the shortest, most compact specification possible. It shows the primary and the component images as thumbnails on the first page as well as the specification details for the primary.  
This format will be used when the Condensed check box is checked in Step 3 when generating specifications.



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