Purchase Orders > Creating POs | Ship To Address Enhancement Ship To Address Enhancement |
Date: June 11, 2021 In addition to the changes shown below, you can now select the ship to address when previewing a purchase order. You can even add a new ship to address when viewing the address book.
Date: February 22, 2021
Previously, it was necessary to set the Ship To Address on the Item Detail View show below.
While you can continue to set the Ship to Address this way, it is not necessary. Some users will find it easier to leave the Ship To address on the Item Detail View (above) blank, then select the address when they are previewing the PO by clicking on one of the buttons shown below.
Important Changes
•When you click the "Create a PO" Action, DesignSmart will let you know if not all of the ship to addresses for the items selected for the PO are the same. If they are not all the same, you will be required to use the Update Ship To button bar so they all have the same address. Then you will be able to click on the Create Purchase Order button. •When you click on one of the Update Ship To buttons, all of the items on that PO will be updated so the Ship To address on the Item Detail View shows the correct Ship To address. •The buttons shown on the Update Ship To bar are those that you set up in the Projects Detail layout.