DesignSmart Companion > Saving | Saving Item Numbers Already In Use Saving Item Numbers Already In Use |
There may be times where you initially don't want to take the time to enter a lot of details about an item. For example, if you wanted to get several chairs, several tables and several rugs to show a client, you might might only want to grab the images and, perhaps, the price. In that case you would have only the information show in the image below. Fortunately, the Companion grabs the website address automatically.
At some point later you might need to return to the website and capture more information about the item. Once you are back on the products website, you can now import the remaining details that are needed
Step 1 Click on the website link to go back to the item's web page. Step 2 Select the correct item template. Step 3 Enter the model number, dimensions and any other prompts that you, your client of the vendor needs. Step 4 Select the name of the project you wish to save it to. Step 5 Re-enter the Item Number. Step 6 Click the Save Item button.
As you can see from the image below the Companion has alerted you that Item Number 68 is already in use in this project. We now need to select an option from the menu to tell the Companion what to do.
Option 1 Merge this items with the existing one Option 2 Replace the existing item with this one Option 3 Ignore the number and create a new item Option 4 Cancel
In this example we are going to Select Option 1: Merge this item with the Existing one.
As you can see in the image below, the additional attributes that were entered in the Companion have now merged into the existing specification.