Products > Creating Products | Save As

Save As

From time to time there will be a situation where you have filled in all the attributes for a product and you find that you need the same product, but only with a different color or a different size.


For example, in the screen shot below the designer has specified a pillow that is 22" x 22".


save as 1





Now, in addition to the 22" x 22" pillows, she wants the specify the same pillow, but change the size to 28" x 28".  Here are the steps:



Step 1Click the New Item button on the Action Bar


Step 2Fill in the Item Name, Area and Quantity as shown below.
Then click the Clear button to clear the newly created product. Confirm when prompted.







Step 3Since you know you want to use basically the same product as Item #6, enter 6 in the Item # field then click Link.







Step 4Now you have linked the 22" x 22" pillow product to Item 7. This saves you from having to add the vendor, image and pillow details again. A significant time savings!
Note Item 6 and Item 7 have the same product ID number since they are both linked to the same product which is size 22" x 22".
This means if you change the dimensions, or any other product information for Item 7, you will also be changing the same changes to Item 6 since the are now using the same product.
This can be advantageous when two items are using the same identical product. However in this case, Item 6 is a 22" x 22" pillow and Item 7 needs to be a 28" x 28" pillow.
For this reason, click the Save As button and confirm when prompted.







Step 5This will create a new product that will have the exact some data as the original product.
The only difference is that it will now be a different product with a different product ID number.
Now you change the size to 28" x 28" and it will not change the size for Item 6 since they are different products.









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