Products > Linking products to items | Linking by Searching Library Linking by Searching Library |
Another way to use products is to search for the right product in the Product Library.
Let's imagine the scenario where the designer needs to specify a desk lamp for the hallway. She recalls having used a desk lamp recently in a previous project, but can't remember which project. She can search the product library to locate it and select it for the current project.
Step 1 First click the Clear button to remove the current product. Then confirm when prompted.
Step 2 Now click the Lookup button
Step 3 Use the filter bar to filter down to the selection you need. In this example, we will enter the word "lamp" in the Description field in the Filter Bar. Then click out for the filter to be performed.
Step 4 From the list of products that meet the filter criteria: a. Click the Select button to select the product and return to the Item Detail View. b. Click on the camera icon to view an image of the product.
The Octave table lamp, with Product 12021969 is now linked to the item below. The vendor, images and all the product details appear.