Optional Modules > On Site Hosting | Mac Mini Server

Mac Mini Server

For most interior design firms with 10 or more designers that don't already have a server, we recommend that your firm consider purchasing an Apple Mac Mini for hosting DesignSmart. Why?


1.As servers go, it is very affordable and a great value. Whereas a typical Windows server might cost $10,000 - $30,000, a well equipped Apple Mac Mini costs around $2,500. (And while technically the Mac Mini is not classified as a "server" it does run the FileMaker Server software and we have had several clients use it in this capacity with good results.)

2.The Smart Designer staff can maintain the server remotely without the need for outside IT support.

3.Even if all of your staff use Windows computers, they will all connect to Mac Mini seamlessly.

4.The Mini is only 9" x 9" x 2" and does not require a keyboard or monitor.


Several DesignSmart Version 5 clients have hosted DesignSmart on a Mac Mini over the years and they have worked exceedingly well and offered good value. As of January, 2020 we now support DesignSmart Version 6 on Mac Minis.


To give an overview of how this would work, below are the steps that would happen:


1.We would recommend the appropriate Mac Mini for your firm. To minimize costs, you would purchase it directly.

2.The Mini would need to be plugged into a power outlet and a network cable in your office.

3.Your local IT person would need to configure the Mini for your local network and configure your router. This can normally be done in less than an hour.

4.Once the Mini is on the local network, The Smart Designer support staff would be responsible for maintaining it. This would include:

a.Updating it each week with the latest version of DesignSmart

b.Doing a nightly off-site backup

c.Monitoring a nightly backup to an external drive

d.Updating all software on the Mini and provide all necessary support



What about all of the redundancy features of a Windows server?

One of the benefits of Windows servers is that they can include redundant drives so if one drive fails the other will continue working. The Mac Mini does not offer redundant drives so there is the possibility the solid state drive might fail and your system would be down. This has not happened in the past, but even with solid state drives it is possible. If the Mini or the Mini's drive were to fail, then we would load your most recent backup onto one of our cloud servers and your system would be backup within 3  - 4 hours. Once your Mini is repaired, we'd copy the files back to the Mini.


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