Vendor Deposits | Add Deposit to Exisiting PO

Add Deposit to Exisiting PO

To add a vendor deposit to an exiting PO, follow these steps:


1.Go to the PO Layout for the subject PO

There are various ways to get to the PO layout.  For more information please go to Accessing the PO Detail View.


2.Click on the Apply Deposit button

Note - The Apply Deposit button will not appear if a deposit has already been applied for this purchase order.


3.Enter the Deposit Amount

1. Enter the deposit amount

2. Select the appropriate option-

Option 1: If your firm is using the QuickBooks Connector, you will select the appropriate checking or credit card account you will use to pay this deposit.

Option 2: If your firm is not using the Connector then select the account "None".




4.Click the Save button

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