Images > Adding Images | Using Snagit

Using Snagit

Because more and more websites are making it difficult to copy their images, another way to add images to DesignSmart is to use a program called Snagit. This is a popular graphics program that we learned about from our clients and then we started using it as well. One of its most useful features is the ability to do a screen capture and annotate the image you capture.


The Snagit website has great tutorials and videos about how to use their program to capture screen shots, so we won't cover that here. What we will show is how to get a screen capture from Snagit into DesignSmart because quite honestly we've been using Snagit for years and only discovered this trick recently!


Snagit Edit Screen

Below is a screen shot of the Snagit edit screen. In the top area you can annotate the image, but note the thumbnail image on the lower left.





Drag the Thumbnail to DesignSmart

To add a Snagit screen capture to DesignSmart, simply drag the thumbnail image into the image box as shown.














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