PaySmart > Getting Started > QuickBooks Setup Tasks | Setting up Credit Card Fee

Setting up Credit Card Fee

If your firm decides to add the credit card processing fee to the pricing tab, then it will be necessary to complete the following steps.


The instructions below assume that you already understand how to work with the QuickBooks Connector. If you have any questions about these steps, please reach out to us and we'll walk you through them.


Step 1Set up an expense account for tracking credit card fees. For this example, we will call it Credit Card Fees.


Step 2QuickBooks Online Users - Set up a product called "Credit Card Processing Fee" to your QBO file. You can give it a different name, but be sure to set the product as Non Taxable. Assign it to the account Credit Card Fees.
Step 2QuickBooks Desktop Users - Set up an item  called "Credit Card Processing Fee" to your QB file. You can give it a different name, but be sure to set the item as Non Taxable. Assign it to the account Credit Card Fees.


Step 3Pull the product, or item, down from QuickBooks to DesignSmart.


Step 4In DesignSmart create a subcharge called Credit Card Processing Fee.


Step 5 Map the subcharge "Credit Card Processing Fee" to Credit Card Processing Fee.


tip_icon  Specific settings have to be made by our Technical Support Team in order for PaySmart to work. If you name the QB Item or Product something different than mentioned above, let us know what you called it so we can configure the system accordingly.



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