PaySmart | Getting Started

Getting Started

Because PaySmart has been built specifically for interior design firms, it provides more options than a normal merchant account like QuickBooks. While these options are intended to benefit both your firm and your client, the process of getting set up has a few more steps. Below are the steps and the estimated time to complete them.


Step 1. Apply for a PaySmart Merchant Account

The first step is to email to let us know that you would like to apply for a PaySmart Merchant account. We will send you a link to an online application form.

You can apply for the merchant account by clicking here.

Estimated time to complete = 1 - 2 hours

Step 3. Set Up Your Company Policies

Next you'll need to review the various policies that are required for PaySmart. For most firms the default text that is provided with PaySmart will be sufficient, but you might want to read over each section to confirm that the text is correct for your firm.

Estimated time to complete = 1 hours

Step 4. Set Up Your Email Default Text

You will want to set up the text that will be used when you send a client an invoice and the text that is sent to the client after they make an online payment. For more information, please click here.

Estimated time to complete = 30 minutes

Step 5. Configure QuickBooks

There are just two tasks that need to be done in QuickBooks. You can learn more about them here.

Estimated time to complete = 30 minutes

Step 6. Configure your clients for PaySmart

This won't take any time on your part. Simply let us know what you want your default payments to be and we'll update your clients for you.


tip_icon You are not alone in this. Schedule a time with our Customer Support Specialist so she can walk you through every step so it as easy for you to complete as possible.



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