Optional Modules > Smart Hospitality > Distribution Tab | Select from List Select from List |
To create a distribution by selecting from the list of rooms, follow these steps
Step 1 From the Distribution tab, click the Add Rooms button
Step 2 In the pop over enter the quantity of the items needed.
Step 3 In the Add rooms by: leave the default setting Select from list as is
Step 4 If the distribution includes all rooms, click the Select All button. Otherwise click on the appropriate check boxes of the rooms that will be assigned this item.
Step 5 When finished, click the Save button.
The distribution will appear as shown below:
If some rooms will be assigned different quantities of the same item, then you will need to repeat the process above twice. The first time through select the rooms and the quantity assigned to them. The second time through select the other rooms and enter the second quantity.
For example, if the King rooms were to be assigned 2 side tables and the Queen rooms 1, then the distribution would appear as below: