Overture > Interactive Client Presentations | Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions |
Below are questions you might be pondering. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Q1. Does the client have to be in the same room as the person doing the Overture presentation? No. You can show your clients the presentation using Zoom or similar screen sharing technology.
Q2. Can the client view the Overture presentation themselves via the internet at anytime? No. You have to run the presentation so you can answer any questions they may have and indicate the items they approve.
Q3. We normally include the component pricing with the primary item. Can I do this with Overture? Yes. If the primary is set to "Include Components" and if the component item is included in the presentation, the pricing for the component will not be shown and your client will see that the component's price is included with the primary.
Q4. When the presentation is finished, what happens next? You will preview the actual proposal and have the option to print it so the client can sign it; email it to the client; or send to the client via DocuSign.
Q5. Can I hide all pricing on the presentation but show the pricing on the proposal? Yes.
Q6. Is the proposal that Overture creates the same as the proposal a designer can create from the Items view? Yes.
Q7. Are sales taxes and subcharges calculated the same way with an Overture presentation as they are when we create a regular proposal? Yes.
Q8. Is it possible that my client will see my pricing?
Q9. Can I include Alternates like I do in standard proposals? Yes and no. You can include alternates, but there is no way to mark them as alternates in Overture so you might explain to your client which items you recommend and which ones you consider as alternates.
Q10. Can I set the font and the text that appears under each item? Yes and yes.