Tasks |
For almost two years the staff at The Smart Designer tested various task management systems for our own internal use. Many of them were very good for what they were designed to do, but that design wasn't what our firm needed. So after a long and ultimately frustrating search, we decided to take the time to develop our own task tracking system. The system took years to refine, but once it was working well for us we thought that our clients could benefit from it equally well so we added it to DesignSmart.
Here are some of the important features of the task tracking system:
# 1 Create tasks for yourself or for other staff You can add a task from any screen simply by clicking on the icon shown below.
# 2 See your notifications When you have been sent a new task or a new message about a task you will be notified of this where the Create Task button would normally be.
# 3 Assign leads and followers You can indicate which staff are leads on a task, and which ones are followers.
# 4 Link tasks to items You can add a task for a specific item from the Item Detail View on the Tasks Tab.